Tag: 2023


Today Piwakawaka have done some science about presure and gravity.  We had a hotwaterbottle, 2 peices of wood, a tube and a plastic bottle.  We put the hotwater- bottle in between the 2 peices of wood and connected the tube to the hotwaterbottle and the plastic bottle.  Then someone stood on the 2 peices of wood with the hotwaterbottle between the wood, and they started going up when we poured the water into to the plastic bottle, which then went down the tube and into the hot water bottle.  The water started to go down the tube when we put the water into the plastic bottle and up when we put the water down.  I learned that the reseriviar (the plastic bottle) when it has water in it goes down because of gravity when it’s up high and down because of presure.  Here is some photes…

  Have you ever down this kind of science before?  

Fake News

This week Piwakawaka have been learning to read through fake news.  We have looked at a fake news artical on the internet about tree octopus.  We know that it’s fake news because some of the links on it go to not real places or are not real things.  There are a few other reasons why we think it’s fake news.  We also had to make our own fake news article but make sure we made it so you can see that it isn’t really real.  We made fake links and put fake (not our real names) on there too.  Here is my Fake News article...

Here’s a link to my Fake News article.







Little Blue Penguins

Today we went to the the beach to look for little blue penguin prints.  My favourite part was plastering the little blue penguin foot prints.  We also went to the Wadeson Island. We drove in a car from school at 9:15 a.m  and got back to school at 12:15 p.m.  It was super fun! 

Have you ever seen little blue penguin prints before?


Today my class did an analogue with earthquakes.  We were in groups of  6, we used a teaspoon, a measuring cup, a cup, cornflour and water. We put the cornflour and water into a cup then mixed them together.  When we had mixed it enough we tried to put our finger all the way through the mixture.  The mixture was kind of hard when I put my finger through it, but when I pulled it back out the mixture turned back to liquid.  This is kind of like how earthqukes effect diffrent kinds of soil.

Have you ever done an experament about earthquakes?

Sensory Gardens

We have been learning about sensorys so we are going to make a sensory garden.  We have been divied into groups that we will work with for the sensory garden.  The sensory that my group was doing is texture. The sensorys that the other groups were doing are Sound, Smell, Sight and Taste.  We first had to find a space what we could use, then measure how much space we had.  Next we had to Find pictures on our chromebook of sensory gardens.  We made a slide of our Ideas.

Have you ever made a sensory garden before?  

Going To Harold

A few days ago my class went to Harold.  Harold is giraffe but I think he is a puppet. When we go to Harold we learn different things each time.  This time we learnt about peer presure.  Peer presure is when your friends try to trick you into doing something you know you shouldn’t do. We learnt some tricks that they might tell you to doing you know you shouldn’t do. Here are some…
Fake crying, fake that your homeless, ”I won’t be your friend”, begging, huddling – leaving you out, threanting, chanting and black mailing.  If that happens to you or someone else here’s some tools you can use…

Walk away, ignore, talk it out, get help, ”if you want me to do it, do it yourself”, exscuse, challange and change the subject.  I hope this helps you if you are getting peer pressured.

Cybersmart Challange – When Things Go Wrong

Today we did a cybersmart challange called – when things go wrong.  We did this so we know what to do if someone sends us a rude or unhelpful comment.   We filled out a slide of what to do when things go wrong.  What you should do is tell your teacher or someone that you trust like your parents.  You could also take a screenshot of  the rude or unhelpful comment, and send it to your teacher if you are online.

P.E. Shed

This week the seniors of the senior school are away on camp so the class that I am in has to do all the jobs that the bigger seniors nomally do.  On Monday me and my friend Meia did the P.E. shed.  Each person in our school in our school has a P.E. card with there name on it.  We have these so if they don’t bring back the P.E gear they don’t get there card back for a week unless they bring back the P.E. gear.  It was fun running the P.E. shed.

Have ever done something diffrent for a school?

Similie Poems

Today we wrote a poem about colours.  The type of poem was called a similie poem.  I chose the colour yellow to write about.  We had to use is, like, or, as to compare it with something.  Thats what makes it a similie poem.  We got to say one of our best lines.  I think mine was Yellow like the mixed sunset in the mornning.  I had heaps of fun writing the poem.

Have you ever wrote a poem before?

Have you ever wrote a similes poem before?