Tag: Unseen Depths

Unseen Depths

We have been doing writing this week.  The topic is Unseen Depths.  This is what I’ve worte so far…

Paragraph 1               

Beneath the rough and tumble of waves, in the heart of the ocean I swam, gliding gently through the water.  As I turned to my right I could see glimpses of lights ahead.  I swam closer, and realised that they were shiny diamonds.  Soon I could see that there were coral gardens and coral houses as well.  Little fish started coming out from all the houses, talking in different languages I was sure I wasn’t familiar with.  I kept on swimming through the town taking in everything I saw.  As I swam out of the little town – which was more like a village – I came to a clearing.  I stood staring at it, not sure what it was or if I should go inside.  


Paragraph 2

As I stood wondering, I saw a glimpse in the “thing”.  My curiosity took over me, and I swam inside.  As I swam I realised that this “thing,” was a ship.  A ship that had been underneath the sea for what looked like centuries.  The ship had turned into a tumble of rotten pieces of wood, with bits of seaweed and coral wrapped around the rotten wood planks.  I kept on swimming through what was left of the ship.  As I turned a corner I saw more glimpses.  I swam through the rough and tumble of the ship for hours.  When I was just about to go back to the town, I saw glimpses again.  I followed the glimpses of light and soon found a portal.

Do you like writing?

Whats your faviourite topic write about?

Here is my planning…