Tag: Resigning From…

Resigning From…

This week was a really short week and we have been learning about how to format a formal letter.

Here is mine.

(P.S. Non of it’s real!!)

18 June 2024              Here is my logo…                                                                                                                         Sophie Morris

Miss K. Lang

℅ Kaniere School 


Dear Miss Lang

My name is Sophie Morris and I am a year 5 student in your Kereru class.  I am writing to tell you that I am resigning from Kaniere School.  I will be resigning effective on 14 July 2024. 


I am really going to miss Kaniere School, and everything about it and in it.   Here are a few memories I am sure I will never forget.  The first 1 is when we were on camp in Tui at Shantytown, we were eating our food and at the table and someone, (I can’t remember who,) scrunched up a bit of paper and started a paper fight by throwing it at someone, (Again I can’t remember who).  Another memory is when we were outside in the fort playing tag.  One of the people in our class were in and Meia was on a stump.  The person was coming up and Meia skydived into a bush.  My friend and I were watching and we cracked up laughing.  But Meia was lucky, Okay.


I am resigning because I am going to become a singer.  I have been given a job and I would like to take it.  I will only be on the side except when the main singer (Lisa) is sick or can’t be there.  I can’t wait to get there and I’m sure I’m going to enjoy it.  I will be traveling all around the world in this career and I will get 20 thousand dollars every 3 weeks.


I have loved all your teaching and everything you have done for me.  I will miss all you teachers and helpers at Kaniere School.  I have had good times and bad times, as well as okay times.  I will come back to Kaniere School in a couple of years when I’m really rich and see you all again.  

Yours Sincerely 

Sophie Morris

It was really fun doing this and learning how to make formal letters because I’ve never wrote a formal letter before.

What would your dream job be?