Tag: Paragraph 5 & 6 – Unseen Depths

Paragraph 5 & 6 – Unseen Depths

Here is my 5th and 6th paragraph from Unseen Depths…

Paragraph 5

“Wow, that was so cool!!!”

The portal took me back into my own world and as I looked around I realised how lucky I was.  That I wasn’t on that ship.  I suddenly  had a fear that that whale thing was still alive.  I swam out of the rotten ship as fast as I could.  “What if that thing was still alive?!” I thought.  I had to find out something.  I swam back to the little town/village.  I knocked on the door of the first coral house I saw.  The door slowly opened and I said, “Is the Whale thing still alive?!”  The fish laughed.  It was a funny sounding laugh.  A laugh that makes you want to laugh as well.  The fish said, “ please, come in, come in,” he said it in a language I could understand.  I slowly swam into the coral house and sat down on a smooth, shiny rock.  I was a bit confused why the fish had laughed but I didn’t ask any questions right then.  I looked around the room.  There were a few pictures on the walls and some more rocks, a table made of a piece of driftwood and a few plants on bits of wood.  Other than that it was quite plain.  After closing the door the fish swam into the room and sat down on a rock as well.  “Now, what’s this about a whale thing?” The fish asked casually.  I burst out the whole story to the fish, and the fish listened gravely.  


Paragraph 6

After I had told the whole story the fish said “Oh, do you mean The Eless?” I nodded, “I think so.”  “That died years ago.  It died in its cave in the darkest part of the ocean.”  After a short break the fish said, “oh my goodness.  I haven’t introduced myself yet.  My name is Rusty.”  “And my name is Sophie,” I said.  “Nice to meet you.”  “You too,” said Rusty.  “Why do you talk in that other language that I’ve heard other fish say before?” I asked Rusty.  “Oh I’m sure you do know that language but you just don’t know that you know it.  I’ll talk in it now.”  Rusty started talking and as I listened, I realized I did know what Rusty was saying.  “Wow” I said.  “How does that work?”  “I don’t know,” replied Rusty.  I looked out into the water and realized that it was starting to get dark.  “I think I need to go home now,”  I said.  “Come again,” Rusty said.  “Okay, I will,” I replied.  As I swam out of the door, I remembered what Rusty had said about that whale thing.  ‘It had died years ago’.  But something inside of me said that it was still alive.

What is your favourite part so far?