The Mystery Of The Whisper – Chapter 3

Finding Shelter

I crouched underneath a tree, scared stiff.  I couldn’t move.  Again I felt like my whole body had turned off.  The only thing I could think of was who was that?  It was now getting dark and I suddenly realised that I would have to either camp here for the night with nothing except what I was wearing or go back to camp with that voice in my ears.  I decided to stay there for the night.  I went deeper into the forest, looking for a sheltered spot to sleep.  I looked for 5 – 10 minutes before I found one in a tree.  There was a hole in the tree that was just big enough for me to sit in.  I needed to make a fire but I was too exhausted.  I sat in the tree trunk and fell asleep straight away.

Can you tell me some words that you like or think are descriptive in this paragraph?

How many stories have you writen in you life and what story was your favourite?

Jump, Jump, Jump!

In the holidays my friend Indi came to my house.  We baked, went for a walk down the road, went to Tara’s house, made a hut and went on the tramp.  I have made an animation about going on the tramp with Indi.  It was a bit hard making everything out of shapes but I managed.  I hope you enjoy! 

What did you do in the holidays?

Do you have a tramp?

Baking And Raining

“What do you want to do” I asked Anna.  Anna came over to my house in the weekend and we were deciding what to do.  We decided to do baking so we got out the cook books and fliped through the pages before we found a brownie that we decided to make.  We got out all the ingredients and started to cut bautter and put sugar in the bowl, when Bella – my little sister who’s 4 – asked if she could help.  We said that she could do the mixing.  Once we had poured some of the ingredients into the bowl Bella started to mix it.

After we had put the mixture in the oven we told Dad that we were going on a walk, and we asked him if he could take the brownie out of the oven once it was done.  We had got our shoes on and was about to walk out the door, when we heard rain on the roof!  We took off our shoes and asked for Dads phone to play some music.  We decided what music we wanted and started making up a dance to it.  After we had practiced the dance a couple of times we showed Dad and my brothers.  After we had cooled down Dad asked us if we wanted to play cops and robbers with him and my brothers.  We said yes and we started to play.

Me and Anna did some awesome slides acidentily on the grass when we were getting chased, but it was soon time to for Anna to go home.

Do you like it when friends come to your house?

What is your favourite game outside?

The Mystery Of The Whisper – Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I went into the trees a couple meters from where I had set up camp to look for some wood.  Looking along the ground as I walked I suddenly saw a pile of wood on the dirt. I jogged over to it and started to pick it up.  I had gotten most of the wood and was starting to walk back when I stopped.  I shuddered.  A chill went up my spine.  “Come, come to me,” someone whispered from behind me.  I dared not turn.  I couldn’t do anything.  It felt like my whole body had turned off.  “Come, come,” the same voice whispered again.  It was a dry, hoarse voice.  Suddenly my body turned on again, and I ran.  I ran and ran.  Gorse bushes scraped across my face.  The wind was now howling.  The trees were now whispering.  I stumbled and ran, blood running down my face.  I felt the howling wind lash against my bleeding face, stinging the cuts, but I didn’t care.  I had to run.  I had to get away.  Away from that hoarse, dry whisper.  Finally, what felt like hours of running, I slowed my pace.  I could hear my heart beating in my chest.  The only thing that I could think of was who was that? 

Do you like this chapter more then the 1st one?

The Mystery Of The Whisper

This week Ruma Kereru have been writing a story based on I Heard a Whisper But No One Was There.  I have made up a title called The Mystery Of The Whisper.  Here is my introduction and chapter 1…


As I stumbled along blood running down my face, I turned around straining my eyes, looking… looking… looking… I felt the rough wind lashing against my face stinging the cuts, but I didn’t care.  I had to run.  I had to get away.  Away from that hoarse, dry whisper.  Finally, what felt like hours of running, I slowed my pace.  I could hear my heart beating in my chest.  The only thing that I could think of was who was that? 

                     Chapter 1

As I walked through the bush trying to find a nice spot to camp I suddenly stopped in awe, staring in amazement.  In front of me I saw a stream with fresh clear water trickling down it.  To the right I saw a clearing with pine trees towering to the clouds around the clearing.  There was soft dirt lying on the ground with some dried leaves on top.  I knew where I was going to camp.   Right here.  I started setting up camp in the clearing.  I had brought with me from home a small tent that was easy to set up.  I was going to stay there for 2 nights and then go back home.  I was so excited.  It was evening once I had finished setting up camp and I felt like having dinner so I got out the cooked food that my Mum had insisted me on cooking first, but now it was cold so I decided to make a fire and start heating it up.  

What is your favourite sentence in this story so far?

Do you like writing?

Are you an Author?

Twin Pics

Today I did Twin Pics.  Twin Pics is a app where you write down what a picture looks like – you get given the picture – using 100 or less letters.  This was the picture…

I wrote this…

a quelea owl on a curved stick with a bird cage next to it & 2 baby quelea owls.Flowers on the dirt.

This is what I got…

Have you ever tried Twin Pics?

Kapa Haka!

Yesterday – 28/8/24 – I went to Gremouth to preform Kapa Haka.  We have been practising for around 7 weeks (1 day a week).  We had included classes from year 0 to 6.  I went in a car with Mum, Scarlet, Meia and Tara.  We got there around 10:30 am.  We walked around the high school finding our room.  Once we had found it we put our bags down and waited/played till everyone in the Kapa Haka group was there.  Then we went to where we were going to perform and whatched other Kapa Haka groups perform.

We went back to our room and got changed into our uniform, then had a couple of practisies before we went to line up outside.  We waitied for a while in the line before we walked into the room we were were going to preform.  The lady called us up the jouniors up onto the stage and they preformed head, shoulders, knees and toes in Maori.  Then I and all the other people in our group went on stage.  We preformed our school song first and then 2 others.  Next the boys did the haka and last of all everyone did our last song.

After we had finnished preforming and had walked off stage we got changed, then me Tara, Scarlete and Meia went to get a fake tatoo of a Muku.  We stayed there for a bit longer and then went back to the car around 2:00pm.  We got back to school at about 2:30 and stayed at school till 3:00.  It was really fun preforming in Kapa Haka!

Have you ever performed in Kapa Haka?

If so what was it like?

Country Research

In this last week we have each choosen a country to research on.  I have choosen Australia.  Here are some facts about it…

  • Australia is the only country in the world that does not have an active volcano.
  • Australia has 3 times more sheep then people.
  • The Australian outback covers most of the country.
  • Australia is the worlds biggest Island but smallest continent.
  • The Austalian Alps get more snowfall then Switzerland.

We have also done our countrys animal, flower and motto.  Heres mine…

The Kangaro is Australias animal, like the Kiwi is New Zealands.The main flower for Australia is the Acacia Pycnantha.  The Acacia Pycnantha or the Golden Wattel as it is most commonly known, is a tree and can grow up to 26 feet (8 meters) and has flattened leaf stalks instead of true leaves. 

Australia has no official motto or chant but they use “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!”

We have also done landmarks for our country…

  1. Sydney Opera House 
  2. Uluru
  3. Heart Reef
  4. Port Authur
  5. Kakadu

I hope you have learnt something about Australia.

Whats your favourite country and why?

Paragraph 10

Paragraph 10

“Okay,” I said to my best friend Isabella.  “First we have to find the Eleese, then we talk to all of the sea towns that know about it.  Next we sneak up behind the Elesse and kill it with what weapons they have.”  “This is so crazy…  I can’t wait!  I can’t believe we’re doing this Tomorrow though.”  “I know, I can’t believe it either.”  “Have you told your Mum yet?”  “No”  “Oh.”  But she’ll find out soon enough.”  “Sophie,” my Mother called, “ It’s time for Isabella to go back to her house now.”  “Okay” I called down.  “Now try to have a good sleep and I’ll see you first thing tomorrow.”  “Bye,” replied Isabella.  “Bye” I replied back.  As I lay in bed that night I thought about the plan.  I hoped everything would work out all right.

Have I captured you in this book yet?

Is it good?